8th International Workshop on Crystal Growth Technology (IWCGT-8)
Berlin/Germany · May 29 – June 2, 2022
Crystal growth will remain utmost important, continuing to shape the foundation of major advances in technology. We are confident that face-to-face workshops with a lot of space for personal interaction and individual meetings "off the record" will remain essential for our scientific business. With strong support from the community, we will thus run this conference in a face-to-face format. We have secured funding, the hotel, a local team and invited speakers to make this event as successful as the previous ones.
We are delighted to all of you that attend and are part of the crystal growth community in these troublesome times!

Welcome Message - About IWCGT-8
The workshop - the eighth of its series initiated by Hans Scheel in 1998 - is devoted to Crystal Growth Technology, which also covers industrial scale technologies and equipment. The focus lies on the preparation of bulk and substrate crystals. The IWCGT-8, originally scheduled for June 2020, had to be postponed to 2022 due to the worldwide COVID pandemic.
The workshop aimed to provide links between R & D and actual production, besides bridging science and practice. International experts will present topical lectures with additional time allotted for discussions and debate. Attendees present their research at the evening poster sessions.
Topics of the workshop include for example:
- Growth technology for micro-/nano-/opto-electronics and photovoltaics (Si, Ge, III-Vs etc.)
- Substrate crystals for wide bandgap semiconductors (sapphire, SiC, GaN, AlN, Oxide electronics etc.)
- Growth of piezoelectrics, lasers, luminescent materials etc. (oxides, dielectric crystals etc.)
- Crystals for detectors and large-scale facilities (HPGe, CdTe, KDP etc.)
- Novel tools and technologies for crystal growth (modeling, ML/AI, industry 4.0 etc.)
- New approaches in crystal growth (specialized growth techniques, equipments, source and hot zone materials)
- Concepts and experience in crystal growth technologies going commercial
We are very pleased to invite you to this important workshop and experts gathering! Please save the date and share this information with interested colleagues.
Download the workshop flyer (PDF)Prof. Dr. Matthias Bickermann (chair),
PD Dr. R. Radhakrishnan Sumathi (chair) and
Dr. Christiane Frank-Rotsch for the IWCGT-8 organizing committee
Meet the experts in crystal growth technology at IWCGT-8!
The workshop is organized by:

Max-Born-Str. 2, 10489 Berlin, Germany
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The workshop is supported by: Under the auspices of:

Thanks also to our exhibitors:

Workshop Details
Conference Time
The conference begins on Sunday, May 29 with a welcome reception starting around 4 pm and ends on Thursday, June 2 after lunch at about 2 pm; see the workshop schedule.
Conference Venue
The Conference is held at the Pentahotel Berlin-Köpenick, Grünauer Str. 1, 12557 Berlin. The venue can be easily accessed from the city or the airport by public transport using the local trains (S-Bahn) to stations "Köpenick" or "Adlershof" and then with the tramway (lines 61, 63 or 68) to station "Köllnischer Platz".
Important dates
- 20 January 2022: Registration and abstract submission starts
- 31 March 2022: Abstract submission deadline ended
- 5 April 2022: Notification of abstract acceptance
- 18 April 2022: Early bird hotel reservation ends
- 25 April 2022: Early bird registration ends (regular registration is still possible!)
- 29 May 2022: IWCGT-8 starts
- 2 June 2022: IWCGT-8 ends
Scope of the Workshop
Crystal growth has contributed to and enabled a substantial part of modern technology development, from piezoelectric, optical, and laser applications to today’s overwhelming photovoltaic market and booming use of electronic devices in information technology, communication, system control and power conversion. Producing crystals of higher perfection and at a lower cost is a prerequisite for their applications in any new functionalities, and efficient devices are the drivers of a rapidly changing world. Crystal growth technologists address these demanding requirements, and this workshop is where they meet.
Since its initiation in 1998 by Hans Scheel, the workshop is being perceived as a meeting of experts in crystal growth technology, in which invited renowned speakers give an in-depth presentations about a particular problem or challenge in the application-oriented crystal growth, and with lots of space for discussions and networking opportunities.
This approach has been proven very successful over these years and is continued at IWCGT-8 as well. The retreat-type of scenery and surroundings of the venue, long enough coffee breaks for refreshing and the relaxed barbecue dinner, not to forget, the two evening poster sessions are means to stimulate deeper discussions and to set the stage for a lively networking atmosphere among the participants. All attendees and in particular, young researchers, are asked to prepare abstracts and to present their own work as posters - although this is of course not mandatory, you might as well attend without an own presentation.
Sponsoring and Exhibition
We will feature an industrial exhibition during the workshop. We can also provide means to display your services and products, and we have opportunities for sponsoring that will highlight your support of the community. If you are interested to present your company or institute, meet the attendees and/or support us, please contact Radhakrishnan Sumathi. We have the right bundle for your successful participation!
Steering Committee:
- Matthias Bickermann, IKZ Berlin, Germany (Chair)
- R. Radhakrishnan Sumathi, IKZ Berlin, Germany (Co-Chair)
- Edith D. Bourret-Courchesne, LBNL, USA
- Mitch Chou, National Sun Yat-Sen Univ., Taiwan
- Hanna Dabkowska, McMaster Univ., Canada
- Ben Depuydt, Umicore, Belgium
- Jeffrey J. Derby, Univ. Minnesota, USA
- Thierry Duffar, INP Grenoble, France
- Roberto Fornari, Univ. Parma, Italy
- Vincent J. Fratello, Integrated Photonics Inc., USA
- Jochen Friedrich, Fraunhofer IISB, Germany
- Alexander Gektin, Inst. Single Crystals, Kharkov, Ukraine
- Koichi Kakimoto, Tohoku Univ., Japan
- Frank M. Kießling, IKZ Berlin, Germany
- Chung-Wen Lan, National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan
- Yusuke Mori, Osaka Univ., Japan
- Maria Porrini, former MEMC/GlobalSemi, Italy
- Hans J. Scheel, Switzerland
- Peter G. Schunemann, BAE Systems, USA
- Deren Yang, State Key Lab., Zhejiang Univ., China
- Evgeny V. Zharikov, General Phys. Inst., Moscow, Russia
Program / Invited Speakers
Program Schedule
Time | Sun, May 29 | Mon, May 30 | Tue, May 31 | Wed, June 1 | Thu, June 2 |
08:50 | Welcome | Welcome | Welcome | Welcome | |
09:00 | Zaidat | Xu (online) | Dropka | Jeandel | |
09:50 | Krahnert | Rudolph | Stockmeier | Li | |
10:40 | Coffee | Coffee | Coffee | Coffee | |
11:10 | Menzel | Otoki (Online) | Hell | Mühe | |
12:00 | Break | Break | Hikavyy | Closing | |
12:30 | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | ||
12:50 | Lunch | ||||
14:10 | Furukawa | Wegener | Break* | ||
15:00 | Tremsin (online) | Dalmau (online) | Coffee | ||
15:50 | Coffee | Coffee | Excursion | ||
16:30 | Registration | Havlíček | Eichler | ||
17:20 | Welcome | Sen | Raghavan | ||
18:10 | Break | Break | Gala Dinner | ||
18:30 | Dinner | Dinner | Dinner | ||
19:30 | Get together | Poster1 | Poster2 | ||
20:00 | Panel | ||||
21:30 | End | End | End |
* Steering committe meeting on 1 June 2022, 14:00-15:30
Click here to Download the IWCGT-8 program summary
Lecturers a.k.a. Invited Speakers (alphabetical order)
- Rafael Dalmau, Hexatech (USA) on “UV-C Transparent PVT AlN Substrates”
- Natascha Dropka, IKZ Berlin (Germany) on “Can artificial intelligence help us make better crystals?”
- Stefan Eichler, Freiberger Compound Materials (Germany) on "Properties of state-of-the-art Laser grade GaAs substrates"
- Yasunori Furukawa (古川保典), Oxide Corp. (Japan) on “Oxide crystals as optical and laser materials”
- Jan Havlíček, Crytur (Czech Rep.) on “Growth of Large Diameter Yttrium Aluminium Garnet Crystals by Czochralski Method”
- Christian Hell, Hellma Material IV IR Optics (Germany) on "A short view on optical properties of CZ grown Germanium Crystals”
- Andriy Hikavyy, IMEC (Belgium) on "Low Temperature Epitaxial Growth of Group IV Materials in View of Electrical Device Applications"
- Patricia Jeandel, Cristal Innov (France) on "Crystal Growth R&D and Technology : For a more competitive European community"
- Christian Kranert, Fraunhofer IISB+THM (Germany) on “Growth ridge analysis – a smart tool to investigate Cz processes and crystals”
- Zhixin Li (黎志欣), Linton Machine (China) on "Recent Progress in Silicon Crystal Growth Technology for Solar Industry"
- Robert Menzel, IKZ Berlin (Germany) on “Growth of silicon crystals using a self-crucible concept”
- Andreas Mühe, PVA TePla (Germany) on “Current trends in crystal growth equipment and control”
- Yohei Otoki (乙木 洋平), SCIOCS (Japan) on "Recent topics of high quality VAS-GaN substrates for realizing high performance of opto/electric devices in mass production"
- P.S. Raghavan, OnSemi (USA) on “Evolution of Silicon Carbide Substrate Production and Understanding and Managing Defects in Silicon Carbide”
- Peter Rudolph, Crystal Growth Consulting (Germany) on "Growth specifics of CdTe and related mixed systems"
- Shashwati Sen, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (India) on "Challenges in the Growth of Large Size Scintillator Single Crystals"
- Ludwig Stockmeier, Siltronic (Germany) on “Big Data from Czochralski Si”
- Anton Tremsin, University of California, Berkeley (USA) on "In-situ crystal growth diagnostic using energy-resolved neutron imaging"
- Martin Wegener, Karlsruhe Inst. of Technology (Germany) on “3D Metamaterials – Rationally Designed Artificial Crystals”
- Yadong Xu (徐亚东), Northwestern Polytechnical Univ. (China) on “Formation of secondary phase particles and the interplay mechanism with extended dislocations in CdZnTe bulk crystals”
- Kader Zaidat, SiMAP INP Grenoble (France) on “Is the cold crucible adapted for single crystal growth?”
Poster Presentations (alphabetical order)
- Vladimir Artemyev, STR Soft (Serbia) on "Advanced Modeling of Melt Turbulence, Impurities and Bubble Transport in Cz Silicon Crystal Growth"
- Gabriel Buse, West University of Timisoara (Romania) on "Luminescence Study Of Trivalent Erbium Ions Doped Into Fluoride Crystals Grown By Bridgman Method"
- Caroline Chèze, Scientific Visual (Switzerland) on "Digital Defect Traceability across Sapphire Processing: Case Study on Micro-LED Chain"
- Kaspars Dadzis, IKZ Berlin (Germany) on "Self-learning Crystal Growth Furnaces: Perspective for Artificial Intelligence Technologies"
- Jeffrey J. Derby, University of Minnesota (USA) on "Analysis Of Bubble Engulfment During Melt Crystal Growth"
- Scott S. Dossa, University of Minnesota (USA) on "Analysis Of Single-Crystal Diamond Growth Via HPHT"
- Michael Gonik, CM "Photon" on "Solidification of the Large Diameter Uniform Sb doped Germanium Crystals"
- Michael Gonik, CM "Photon" on "Crystal Growth of the Large-scale Semiconductor Crystals by the Modified Cz Method"
- Christo Guguschev, IKZ Berlin (Germany) on "Revisiting the Growth of Large (Mg,Zr):SrGa12O19 Single Crystals: Core Formation and Its Impact on Structural Homogeneity Revealed by Correlative X-ray Imaging"
- Gerd Hintz, Trumpf Hüttinger (Germany) on "Solid-State Microwave Generators at 2.45 GHz for Microwave Plasma Assisted CVD and ALD Processes"
- Timotée Journot, CEA (France) on "Growth of high quality CdZnTe bulk crystals using the Vertical Gradient Freeze technique"
- Giri Dhari Patra, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (India) on "Growth of 6N Purity Germanium Single Crystal Using Czochralski Technique"
- Jan Pejchal, Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences on "Crystal growth, Morphology, and Luminescence Properties of LuSAG:Tm Single Crystals"
- Andrejs Sabanskis, University of Latvia on "Numerical Study Of Dislocation Density Distribution In Silicon Crystals Under Different Temperature Conditions"
- Saskia Schimmel, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) on "High Energy Computed Tomography as a Tool for Validation of Numerical Simulations of Ammonothermal Crystal Growth of GaN"
- Durgesh Singh Sisodiya, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (India) on "Effect Of Co-Doping In The Growth And Scintillation Performance of CeBr3"
- Suganya M, Anna University (India) on "Growth, Structural And Optical Properties Of Gd2Ti2O7 Single Crystals"
- Ananthu Vijayan V L, Anna University (India) on "Investigations on n-Type Doping on OFZ Grown Beta-Gallium Oxide Single Crystals for Power Device Applications"
- Miki Watanabe, Oxide Corp. (Japan) on "Growth and Characterization of Tb3Ga5O12 Single Crystals"
- Weichao Yao, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany) on "In-band Pumped Ho:CALGO Crystal For Efficient High-power Laser Operation At 2.1 μm"
- Frank Zobel, Fraunhofer CSP (Germany) on "Measuring and Analysing the Growth Parameters of Silicon Cz-Crystals via High Precision Diameter Analysis Tool"
Info for invited lecturers: We all equipment (laptop with Adobe Acrobar reader and Office 2019, beamer, laser pointer etc.) available. Of course you can also use your own laptop, but please provide adaptors for HDMI output.
Info for poster presenters: We have portrait poster walls that have a fixation area (inner border) of 145 cm vertical and 115 cm horizontal. We typically use DIN A0 posters (119 cm * 84 cm), but that's just a suggestion.
How to Register and Accommodate
The workshop registration is a four-step process; each step can be conducted separately:
- Pre-registration to submit your personal data (without any obligation)
- Abstract submission/upload
- Final registration to confirm your attendance
- Payment of the attendance fee (see below)
Click here to Login for IWCGT-8 (participants only).
The IWCGT-8 registration is handled by ConfTool Pro, a software to handle all registration, abstract submission, and payment matters. All data is handled securely and according to EU regulations.
Invitation letters are available for download after pre-registration on the registration site. Visa invitation letters and invoices are issued for download after final registration. An immediate receipt will be issued after payment is completed.
The regular conference fee including access to the workshop, the abstract book, as well as all coffee breaks and meals with beverages and the excursion/conference dinner is 780 EUR for final registrations made after 25 April 2022 (the "early bird" deadline, where the fee was reduced to 680 Euro). Payment is possible by credit card (in the EU also by bank transfer). Credit card payment is provided by Paypal (usable without any PayPal account).
Terms of final registration
With the final registration, you approve to attend the workshop and agree to pay the registration fee. Cancellation of registration was subject to a cancellation fee of 50 EUR before 25 April 2022. No cancellation is possible after this date.
The participation fees are owed upon registration and are payable within 14 days following submission of the registration. Participation is not guaranteed until full payment of the registration fee is received.
The conference program may be subject to changes.
Payments will be refunded if the conference will be canceled by the organizer. In that case, the organizer will have no further liability to the client. Registrations remain valid if the conference has to be postponed.
Hotel reservation
Accommodation is not included in the registration fee. Attendees must make their own hotel reservations for the workshop. We had arranged a special rate form the workshop hotel Pentahotel Berlin-Köpenick, Grünauer Str. 1, 12557 Berlin for IWCGT-8 attendees. This rate had expired on 18 April 2022, but you still can make your hotel reservation, please Contact the hotel at +49 69 256699 300 or +49 30 654 790 or reservations.koepenick@pentahotels.com with your accommodation wishes (and provide the password "IWCGT-2022"). Breakfast can be booked with the hotel rate. If you have reserved your room by the arrrangement above, you can cancel the room free of change until 6:00 pm local time on the day of arrival.
How to Submit an Abstract
Abstract submission deadline had been prolonged to 31 March 2022 (as the final deadline) and is now closed except for the invited speakers. As the lectures are by invitation only, regular participants will present posters, subject to abstract submission and acceptance by the conference organizing committee.
The abstract size is one A4-page in PDF format. Please take care to save your document in PDF/A format so that all fonts are embedded; e.g. in Word, export (rather than print) to PDF and in the options dialog available during saving, check the "PDF/A compatible" option.
The author should include figures, tables, and references within the one page limit. The title should be placed at the top of the abstract, followed by the authors' names, affiliations, and e-mail address of the presenting author, a blank line, and the main text (optionally with figures). Acknowledgements and references might be added at the end of the abstract.
The abstract should have the following format:
- Paper size: A4
- Margins: 2.0 cm margins on all sides.
- Font style: "Times New Roman" or" Times" is recommended.
- Font size: 12 pt bold font is for title, 10 pt normal font for author names, affiliations, e-mail address, and main text. 9 pt normal font might be used for figure captions, table headings, footnotes, and references.
- The title, author names, affiliations, and email address lines should be centered. The main text should be blockquote.
A book of abstracts will be provided at the workshop for all participants.
Contact the Organizers
For any question or suggestion in regard to the IWCGT-8, please contact us at iwcgt-8@ikz-berlin.de.
Matthias Bickermann
Phone: (030) 6392-3047
Email: matthias.bickermann@ikz-berlin.de
R. Radhakrishnan Sumathi
Phone: (030) 6392-3127
Email: radhakrishnan.sumathi@ikz-berlin.de
Christiane Frank-Rotsch
Phone: (030) 6392-3031
Email: christiane.frank-rotsch@ikz-berlin.de
The workshop is organized by